Saturday, January 12, 2008

In fact, there is no need to stop at OTEC as the sole technology

Could sea power solve the energy crisis?
Last Updated: 12:01am GMT 08/01/2008

As Gordon Brown steers Britain towards a nuclear future, Dominic Michaelis, Alex Michaelis and Trevor Cooper-Chadwick suggest we turn to the oceans instead
The French inventor Georges Claude is largely forgotten today; if he is remembered at all, it is as the creator of the neon lamp. Yet one of his projects from the 1920s could resolve the global energy crisis - by harnessing the power of the oceans.


david santos said...

Thanks for postosting, Lisegreg.
Have a good weekend

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment David and welkome back to this blogg.
And a nice weekend to you too.