Friday, October 22, 2010

Cropcircles in Germany 2010

The pilot Stefan Rampfel and Roy Däuble/FGK discovered in the early afternoon of 14 August during a flight near Berwartshausen/Höckelheim, junction Northeim-West, another crop circle in a field ::map. If the weather stays dry the crops will be harvested very soon.

According to Stefan Rampfel this crop circle could be at least 10 days old because a colleague told him about it but there have been no pictures so far.

The crop circle represents a clock-face. The clock hand shows 5 past 12 o'clock. The crop circle consists of 2 circles which form a frame for the clock-face, the clock-face with 8 semi cycles, 4 paths and a thin circle and in the centre is a circle with a small and a big clock hand. Outside of the formation above the 12 on the clock-face there is a roman number "XII" = 12. On the other side of the roman number, outside of the formation, are 2 small circles next to each other. The crop lies down in the clockwise direction. The crop circle located in Groß Schneen also consisted of 2 small circles outside the formation.

Comment - This formation of the clock-face with the clock hands 5 past 12 refers to the year 2012. Or does it refer to the adverts for the film "5 past 12 - the climate is hitting back"?

Is is a coincidence that this crop circle refers to the 12th crop circle in Germany this year? We don't hope that in the future not all crop circles will be numbered :)) Your FGK-Team.

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